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 avengers integrale

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2014

avengers integrale Empty
MessageSujet: avengers integrale   avengers integrale EmptyMar 12 Aoû 2014 - 22:25

this is Stefano from Italy.
I am looking desperately for Avengers l'Integrale 1969 and 1970 (relie) but I can't find them anywhere (amazon, ebay).
Any suggestions?
Thsnk you very much,
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Nombre de messages : 15686
Age : 44
Localisation : entre l'espace et la terre
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2006

avengers integrale Empty
MessageSujet: Re: avengers integrale   avengers integrale EmptyMar 12 Aoû 2014 - 22:33

Hi Stefano. This 2 integrale are out of stock so it's gonna be expensive if you want to find them in website such amazon or ebay. You can try in marketplace like here if somebody as one to sell or in another website. But I think you have to wait a new reprint.

Dieu est amour et Jesus change le beurre en vaseline. Dieu est in.
Parole de Thieffain repris par Benabar
Merci JS.

There is only one return and it ain't of the king, it's of the jedi.
Randall Clerks 2

"On est jamais tout seul quand on a un canard en plastique"
Le capitaine de l'Arche B
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Nombre de messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2014

avengers integrale Empty
MessageSujet: Re: avengers integrale   avengers integrale EmptyMar 12 Aoû 2014 - 22:58

kab a écrit:
Hi Stefano. This 2 integrale are out of stock so it's gonna be expensive if you want to find them in website such amazon or ebay. You can try in marketplace like here if somebody as one to sell or in another website. But I think you have to wait a new reprint.

Thank u for the fast answer. Can you suggest other french websites or web comic shop where I can try to find? thx a lot, Stefano
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Nombre de messages : 15686
Age : 44
Localisation : entre l'espace et la terre
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2006

avengers integrale Empty
MessageSujet: Re: avengers integrale   avengers integrale EmptyMer 13 Aoû 2014 - 12:13

headphones a écrit:
kab a écrit:
Hi Stefano. This 2 integrale are out of stock so it's gonna be expensive if you want to find them in website such amazon or ebay. You can try in marketplace like here if somebody as one to sell or in another website. But I think you have to wait a new reprint.

Thank u for the fast answer. Can you suggest other french websites or web comic shop where I can try to find? thx a lot, Stefano

I don't really know in website. In comic-shop you should try Album, Pulp's they're all in the same area in Paris.

Dieu est amour et Jesus change le beurre en vaseline. Dieu est in.
Parole de Thieffain repris par Benabar
Merci JS.

There is only one return and it ain't of the king, it's of the jedi.
Randall Clerks 2

"On est jamais tout seul quand on a un canard en plastique"
Le capitaine de l'Arche B
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avengers integrale Empty
MessageSujet: Re: avengers integrale   avengers integrale Empty

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